Pleasant Facade Estates Vuja Day humorous illustrated stories cartoon characters

Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions Pleasant Facade Estates McMansion housing development

Allium County Bizzy Buddies - Snail's Pace Productions
Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions Vuja Day Writer Illustrator

They buzz, flit, fly, creep and crawl… The Bizzy Buddies Bugs love to bug y'all!

A cast of insect characters gets themselves into a variety of situations with "BugEx" the local extermination company owned and operated by Tommy Tuckus.

Tommy has stupidly hired his pacifist, organic, vegetarian teenage son Barley to work during the summer... until he crashes the company truck while swerving to avoid a snail in the road!

Visit "Something Stinks Here!"