Pleasant Facade Estates Lorraine Day humorous illustrated stories cartoon characters

Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions Pleasant Facade Estates McMansion housing development

Allium County Bizzy Buddies - Snail's Pace Productions
Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions Lorraine Day Writer Illustrator

The town of Leekville is universally touted as the "The Leek Capital of the World!" and the spawning ground for the The Annual Leek Festival which takes place every year on April Fool's Day.

Allium County has piqued the interest of County Uber Security Surveillance (CUSS) due to the fact that its plethora of sheep grazing land and acres of leeks makes a perfect money-making recipe to combat the dreaded Ovis Syndrome.

Local "public servants" sniff out the wallet-fattening potential and want to curry the favor of politicians such as Senator Dick Tate to spread the fear of disease and promote the Ovis Syndrome innoculation campaign!