Aleek the Leek Alliuminati Vuja Day humorous illustrated stories cartoon characters

Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions Alliuminati Aleek the Leek

Alliuminati Aleek the Leek Bizzy Buddies - Snail's Pace Productions
Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions Vuja Day Writer Illustrator

This Vile Evil Trillionaire is such a vile and evil garlic bulb, he won't even allow his servants to LOOK at him (not that they'd WANT to).

He and his weak son Aleek the leek, along with billionaire Der Potatokopf are stalwart members of the Alliuminati, exerting their money and influence over The Power Plant and the Global Eleeks.

This Vile Evil Trillionaire is grooming his weak-wisp entitled son Aleek the leek to take over the family fortune.

When you have all the money in the world and own everything you could ever want, there is only one thing left to crave... POWER!