Snail's Pace Productions The Eleeks

Bizzy Buddies Allium County Leekville Vuja Day

Bizzy Buddies - The Senator's New Clothes Snail's Pace Productions Vuja Day Writer Illustrator
The Eleeks Members of The Alliuminati Bizzy Buddies Snail's Pace Productions Vuja Day

"The Alliuminati" is a secret society to promote irrational thinking and stupidity, superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life and abuses of state power.

"The Alliuminati" are the glitterati of the so-called Global Eleeks. This stratospheric level of high-rank is achieved only by the richest (and most corrupt) in the world. The Alliuminati are run in the shadows by a Vile, Evil Trillionaire and his weak son Aleek the leek.